Friday, 4 June 2010

First Year - (check) A kickass Summer? - (Pending)

A crazy, up and down, laughs and jokes, sleepness nights and early mornings, a couple drunken nights and good company has made this first year one to remember! It feels weird that its over and Summer is finally here, felt like a long way away when we were all in Sept/Oct - the time where we'd look forward to the upcoming year. It's been an unexpected one though, i'm not drunk every day, i have a healthy bank account and i'm more fit than i probably have ever been! Strange? I'm not complaining! I'm no longer that same guy - i'm better (or worse, mwahahahaha).

Looking forward, i got a few targets to hit this Summer anyway. Just cos im academically finished, doesn't necessarily mean the hard work stops there. Whats up and coming?

- Wireless Festival 2010 - I'm going to go, Drake and Jay-Z and others? I missed out last year, Kid Cudi and Kanye! Have to go this year.

- New Job? - Pending. In the pipeline. Either way, i need to change the trade. It'll be a personal moment to go. HAHA, not really, it's about time.

- Paintballin' - Me and Louie bought tickets for a reasonable price, i think it would be nice to shoot some people for all the digs they may have done. Then again, i'm probably gonna be a prime target!

Holiday - "Take a holiday, do what you want to baby!" - Holiday - Dizze Rascal. Basically, i want to escape the concrete zoo of London.

Work experience - A magazine has a media opportunity, considering taking it. Depends on the holiday.

Home - Theres no place like home! Can't wait to see the friends and spend time with the family again - even the most stupid things can make it all worth while.

World Cup 2010 - Once every four years, I don't think it could have come at a better time! Football Summer, good luck tryna get the guys attention during this period ladies!

House hunting - An ambitious house hunt, the palace for the next two years! Let the hunt begin.

But for the mean time, HAKUNA MATATA MOTHER-THUGGERS!!